miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2019

Third Week


Hello again, this is the third time that you read me. I don't know why would you want to come but, thanks I guess...

This week, we had started very powerfully because we didn't come to class the reasons behind that was holiday, so we have start tuesday the classes. I have some issues with debian and isc-dhcp-server
while working on that I have discover some fails in my DNS-BIND9 configuration, so I have to redo it, and that don't makes me feel happy, in the same day we had learn to make a login with php language it was some what simple and that makes me happy, the same day my mouse has fallen and has survived. The next day thursday we have an exam that it wasn't very difficult but again I have some doubts about my score in this exam.
Today we have to do a relationship entity model and explain it, in a document, and we learn about firewall, proxy, DMZ, its interesting, 

I hope we read next week for more english and computer fun
Resultado de imagen de firewall


This 3 week we have one day less to work on the challenge because of San Fausto. We have installed ISC-DHCP on Debian 9 and we are configurating it but we didn't finished it yet.

Also we had an exam about process commands. We are learning about programing on Ubuntu doing Scripts. At the moment we have just done basics script but i think soon it will be more difficult.

With Ricardo we see about type of logic threats, the anatomy of the most relevant attacks, wireless network security and perimeter safety design implementation. We have started also doing a comparative of diferent antiviruses and firewalls and then install an antivirus in our computers.

We have improve your knowdlege about php, we have conected a php file with a database and we have made it work.

Today we have done a relationship entity model about users and their role with the database. Also we have assign to the user what kind of rol they will have when they have to interact with the database because not all user will have the same permissons on the database.


This week , we did more things than the other week. With Gorka we did a few installation of direfent software to prepare our personal IDE.

Resultado de imagen de programar en ubuntu                                                                        Also with Javier , we start creating scripts like in PHP but more easier. In this scripts we start

studying the grammar of this scripts

With Xabi we finished the configuration of our web page doing: alta, connecting to database, modify the products,...
Resultado de imagen de eclipse php
In the other assignature of Gorka we did a group work to start thinking about our database to start setting up and implement in the virtual machines.

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