miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

Fourtheenth week


Hello, we have  this and another entry to say goodbye and never watch again my enthusiasts readers this week I started pretty sleepy and  I was pretty hard start concentrating in the work, I started doing EIE work and I didn´t know how to start so I asked a few questions to Unai and I have some troubles 
with Windows Server, I asked help to Javi and sent my to hell, saying to that some of passwords maybe be bad.

The next day I helped Unai with Firewall and I was about 4 hours to help him,I explain everything  step by step slowly and carefully then I do a litle more of EIE and is almost done.

Today I almost finished EIE it was pretty easy, I only need to do a treasury part and I´m almost done.

The thursday I will not do anything because it´s free day.


This week has been a very productive week where we have worked a lot on the challenge and also we have finished all works for Javi, we only have to do the demostration of the last work and I have to do again the samba's demostration because I didn't do well it's demostration.

With EIE we have almost finished except some things that we have to improve but we will finish them next week.

Also we have finished the HA part but we still have to document it, but we will do it fast so we will be on time for the wednesday when we have to do the defense of Proxy and HA. I hope do it well.
Resultado de imagen de high availability

We have some problems with Wordpress so we have to remove all and start again but we have achieved to return to as we were before revome all and also we have done more things in our page, I hope we finished it as soon as we can.
Resultado de imagen de wordpress
With Gorka We have done all except the documentation and also we have to finishe de Database part which is started but isn't finished yet but next Tuesday it will be finished after I ask some question to Gorka, because I don't know how to do it.


This week we continue with the challenge bacause we have to finished for the next week. So this week we do a lot of work . With our wordpress we have a big problem and we delete all the software to do it again. In security we finish with Proxy and High Availability , the second part we must do in Virtual Machines .
With Gorka we finish doing the mail server and checking that all works correctly.