jueves, 31 de octubre de 2019

Fifth Week


Hello again, this is the fifth time that you read me. It is a pleasure to welcome you to this new entry. I'm sure that you are now addicted to my entrys, that's why I told you, go away now that you can.

Monday 28mon, this day I had work to do it, I had make a antivirus comparison AVAST vs Windows Defender, to do a comparison I have installed AVAST FREE ANTIVIRUS and I have check the viruses, the troyans, spyware, adware, worn, rabbit programs...

Tuesday 29tue, I have ordered to Julen to add in the Antivirus work, Karzperzkie antivirus he added, and finally we almost finished the work we only need to check with the professor.

Thursday 30th, My pc has died, it's pretty sad, but there's not time to tears, then I understand that I have to stand up and beg for help, jon has helped me to repair  my computer and install some utilities.


This week we have done many things with the challege. With Javi we continue learning about scripts and how to automize work in Ubuntu. Also we have learnt about how to do a little game but on Debian9 instead of on Ubuntu. Next week we will have to do a work and we will have 6 hours to finish it.

In Php we have started with the web page that we have to do for the challege, right now we only have done the login part. Next week we will continue developing our web page.

In security we finished the comparative of diferent antiviruses and we have decided to use Avast, also we have installed  Avast in our computers. Next week we will do the comparative of Firawalls and also we will install it.

With Gorka we have continue configurating DHCP but we have had some problems that we have fixed. Also we have made some changes in the relation entity because we saw that it wasn't good enough.

To finish, we have done the organigram but only the organigram of our group, we need to do the organigram of the class.


This week we continue installing dhcp dns and ftp services in our debian server.
We don't have problems with this installation but  we don't finished the services installation.
Resultado de imagen de ftp pro debian

With Ricardo in security we do a easy exam and we finished with the explanation of the information
of the subject.The last season we seen was the different types of antivirus and firewalls. 
Also we done a comparative of different antivirus and firewalls. We start deciding our vpn and we have a lot of 
problems to decide.

Also we done a comparative of different antivirus and firewalls. We start deciding our vpn and we have a lot of 
problems to decide. 

 Resultado de imagen de vpn

With Bonilla we continue seen scripts and automatize.

In PHP we start making our web page and we finished the login page

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